Acrylic Photo Prints

Showcase more brilliant colors and a sharper image with acrylic photo prints.

Transform your digital photos into gallery-quality artwork with acrylic photo prints, also called acrylic face mounts or Diasec prints. We print your graphic or picture on high-grade photo paper, then layer it directly under glossy acrylic glass. Looking through the acrylic at your photo creates a stunning effect, similar to backlighting. For the finishing touch, we add hidden hardware to easily mount or “float” your artwork on the wall.

A better way to showcase your art.

Mounting your photos under acrylic is a long-lasting way to showcase your art. Perfectly transparent, the glossy acrylic glass overlay is lightweight and shatterproof – protecting the art underneath from dust or abrasions. Colors are intensified with acrylic mounting, which creates a vivid sense of depth and dimension to your artwork or images. What’s more, the UV-resistant acrylic glass protects the art from damaging light.

Give the illusion of floating art or build a divider wall by drilling the corners of acrylic face mounts and affixing hanging, stand-off hardware.

Project Highlights

The walls of the Amy Kaslow Gallery in NW, DC have a number of stunning acrylic face mounts on display and they look fantastic! Washington DC based fine art photographer Amy Kaslow has chosen acrylic face mounting as the preferred presentation for her work because this process elevates her beautiful images to the next level. Viewing the images through the acrylic enhances the already vibrant color and the luxurious high polish along the edges of the 1/4" acrylic provides a refined, high end look that simply can not be matched by any other finishing presentation. We highly recommend visiting Amy's gallery to view her work and encourage you to think about how producing as acrylic face mounts could bring your images to the next level!

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  • Acrylic Photo Prints

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  • Acrylic Photo Prints

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  • Acrylic Photo Prints

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  • Acrylic Photo Prints

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